Here's a little exercise you can play with yourpartner to raise the intimacy in your relationship.
1) Have a nice, romantic evening together. (Have a nice dinner,go on a "date", break out of your routine and do something special, etc.)
2) Flirt and cuddle with your partner.
3) Tell your partner you want to play a game.
4) The game is to say five things that you guys appreciateabout each other.
5) Use the chance to give your partner some nice complimentsabout little things that the rest of the world would notnotice.
6) See what your partner has to say about you.
7) React positively and kiss your partner.
8) Cuddle some more and get a bit more physical.
9) Pull back and engage in a more serious conversation. Thenmake a joke using one of the things you have said abouteach other.
10) Cuddle and get more physical again.
Search Engine
Saturday, April 26, 2008
"The Romantic Appreciation Exercise"
Posted by
11:07 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Things Women Love To Hear
Give compliments
The comedian Chris Rock said that women need three things: food, water and compliments. So, it’s not a matter of women just wanting to hear compliments, they actually can’t live without them. If they don’t get them, they might even shrivel up and die. If you can periodically reel off a nice compliment and genuinely mean it, don’t hesitate to do so because the benefits will come back to you in spades. However, be careful not to flood the air with empty flattery, as even the most attention-starved girl will see through your seduction strategy and call you out
Examples of things women love to hear:
- “You look incredible.” It’s simple and effective. Every girl wants to hear this, particularly when she has gone to some trouble to look nice.
- Those jeans look great on you.” This is a polite (and obvious) way of telling her that she has a nice ass.
Show commitment
When you include her in your future plans, you’re giving her a glimpse of the security -- whether she’s 19 or 36 -- that she probably craves. So, say something that indicates to her that you intend to be a part of her life for a long time. Invite her to a high school reunion that’s still six months away. It’s enough to let her know that you envisage a future together, but not so bold as to suggest marriage and the rest of it
Examples of things women love to hear:
- “I’d love to take you to (enter place of choice) this summer.”
- “I’m not interested in anyone else.” In any relationship, questions will inevitably arise about your commitment to her, so when she asks, say something like this to counter her doubts and reassure her that you’ve found all you ever needed.
Be Jealous
Being creatures of the natural world, women expect men to be the protectors in a relationship. And when we don’t act like it, they get irritated and begin to look elsewhere. We have to show them how much we care, which means that we have to get territorial once in a while. We’re by no means suggesting violent outbursts and paranoid accusations, but rather, some gentle prodding that demonstrates that you don’t want to lose her to anyone. At the end of the day, if you don’t take an interest in your girl’s well-being, someone else will come along with an offer to do so.
Examples of things women love to hear:
- “Where were you?” You don’t have to be suspicious, just inquire about her whereabouts from time to time.
- “Who’s that guy?” Ask her this in a half-joke, half-serious tone and she will think it’s cute that you’re still evaluating the competition.
Ask questions
You can win major brownie points just by demonstrating an interest in her day-to-day affairs. Of course, this means paying attention to previous conversations and remembering key details that you can impress her with later.
Examples of things women love to hear:
- “How was your day?” Asking her something as simple as this can be an effective and engaging start. Be careful, though: even this phrase has been known to spark hour-long conversations about things that may mean very little to you.
- “How’s your brother doing? Better, I hope?” Show her your compassionate side and ask about her friends or family members whom she mentioned were ill or going through some problems. She will be impressed that you remembered and grateful for someone to speak to about it.
Work on your delivery:
Just as important as what you say is how you say it. If you dish up these phrases and don’t actually mean them (which is often the case), you obviously have your work cut out for you if you want her to actually believe you. Work on your style and delivery, and don’t bandy these phrases about without some serious recognition of the power they hold.
Posted by
12:39 AM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
What If A Woman Calls You A Player?
A few days ago, a reader sent me the following
scenario: "doc love, I went on a date with a woman over
the weekend. During dinner she said I looked like a
player and that she's looking for a relationship with
someone who's more mature. So I tried very hard
to convince her that I wasn't a player. She wouldn't
believe me, and now she won't answer my calls. What
happened? How can I prove to her that I am really
not a player?"
Here's what I wrote back, "Congratulations.
She gave you a test, and guess what? YOU'VE FAILED
Okay. Here's the truth. When a woman asks
you if you're a player, she's doing it as a test.
If you freak out and start trying to prove to her
what a good guy you are, you're going to fall right
into her trap and fail the test. To a woman, a man
who is good with women is not necessarily a bad man,
but a man who is interesting and fun to be around.
Guys who are popular with women walk around with
more social proof and romantic respect, which make
them even more challenging and interesting to
other women. So as a man, if you're seen as someone
who's good with women, why would you want to
give that power away?
Here's what you should do if a woman tests
you by accusing you of being a player: Just play
along and tell her it's not your fault that the
ladies won't leave you alone. You can even tell
her how much your life sucks because all the women
you meet only see you as a sex object, when
deep inside you really want a woman who will
cuddle and listen. (See how you're turning things
Be playful and use a woman's tests to
flirt with her, and she's going to fall for you -
Posted by
12:57 AM
Saturday, April 5, 2008
"How To Fix Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend"
I'm often asked, "doc love, I am interested
in dating this girl but she's
can I get her to change so that she will be the
perfect girlfriend?"
Here's my answer: In most cases, if
you can't stand something about a person, you should
not get involved in a romantic relationship with
them. (I am not talking about tiny things. I am
talking about big issues.)
As a dating coach, I have worked with many men
and women who had married a person with flaws because
they thought they could "fix" the person over time.
Some of these clients even took on fixing (though they
usually call it "supporting") the person as their
personal mission.
I feel sorry for these men and women!
In my experience, you cannot make a person
change. Ultimately, it is up to the person to change
themselves. Any kind of external stimuli you put on
a person to make them change will lose its effect
over time.
In other words, don't expect your mate to
change much from the way they are right now. What
you see is what you get. Because for most people,
it is almost impossible to break away from their
old habits - especially if the person is past 30.
Of course, this does not mean that a person's
behavior can never change. Just don't EXPECT it to
If you really like the person, then take the
person for who he or she is. But don't try to change
the person even if you know it's good for them. You
can try, but you will probably fail!
Posted by
10:47 PM
"10 Things To Remember When You Approach A Woman"
Here are 10 things to remember when you approach a woman:
1) Have a smile on your face. Not a nervous smile, but a
confident, charming smile. Have the smile even if the
woman is not looking at you. Having a genuine smile will
help give you more confidence as well as create a
good first impression.
2) Make eye contact if possible. It's not always possible,
but when possible, do it.
3) Open up your body language. Think high and wide. Imagine
a string holding your head up at the top of your head.
4) Walk over casually. A mistake I see all the time is that
guys often walk too fast when they approach women. They
wait 10 minutes to get the courage to approach, and when
they finally do, they walk there quickly. This actually
raises the internal alarm in a woman's mind. A casual
walk there is much better as it will make her feel more
at ease with you.
5) Be away of personal space. Make sure you don't get too
close and invade her personal space at the beginning.
6) Don't try to "act smooth." In my experience, a lot
of guys actually put on an "act" as a way to protect
their inner ego. This way when they get rejected,
they can feel like the woman has rejected their "act"
instead of their actual selves. I know it takes a lot
more courage to be genuine, but really, while putting
on an act may help protect your ego in the short run,
it will damage your success in the long run.
7) Try to match her energy level. Make sure your energy
level is not too low or too high relative to hers.
If a woman has high energy, approach with low energy
and you will seem boring. If a woman has low energy and
you have too much energy when you approach, you will
make her feel alarmed.
8) If you're approaching a woman who is with friends,
approach the whole group rather than her. If you
approach her alone, her friends will give you
9) If you have no idea what to say, think about what
you would say if you were just chatting up a random
stranger and to get his or her attention. The point
of an opener is to start a conversation, and that's it.
Don't worry about creating attraction, etc. That comes
10) Remember that you're just trying to make friends.
Let go of your expectations and have fun. That's the most
important thing to remember!
Posted by
10:39 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
How To Create A Good First Impression With Women
First impressions are important. A lot of what
a woman thinks about you will be based on what she sees
within 60 seconds of meeting you. Here's how you can
create a good first impression when you meet a women.
1) Dress to impress. You don't need to wear expensive
clothes. But at least be clean and a bit stylish. If
you dress like a tool, you will be ignored like a tool.
2) Great everyone with a smile. Smiling relaxes people
and make them feel comfortable around you.
3) Look and feel positive. Positive energy draws people
towards you. Project a positive attitude at all times,
even in bad situations.
4) Have higher energy than whoever you're meeting.
This way, they will want to be part of your world
instead of wanting to get rid of you because you are
a loser.
5) Have a firm handshake. As a female friend of mine
likes to say, "I can tell if a guy is a loser or not
by his handshake."
6) Conform, without losing your individuality. If you
dress and act to different, you may be seen as an idiot.
But if you're too bland, you won't be memorable. So conform
to society's norms but have something unique about you.
7) Walk tall. Confidence and self-assurance goes a long
way. If you have closed body language, you're not going
to create a very good impression!
8) Make good eye contact. Don't look away until the other
person does. (But don't stare!)
9) Be naturally curious about the person you're meeting.
10) Lean slightly forward during conversation. This will show
that you are interested in what the other person is saying.
11) Have an objective for each encounter, such as "I want to
be memorable by making the person feel good."
12) Be attentive. Notice the details.
13) Talk slowly and clearly.
14) Have social proof before you approach. For example,
let the women see you having a great time with your
15) End the encounter while the energy is still high. This
will "lock in" the good impression of you.
Posted by
12:40 AM